Michigan AVA's: Michigan's 5 wine regions to visit
Michigan AVA’s 📍🍇👩🏻🌾 AVA is an acronym for American Viticulture Area, and beautiful Michigan has 5! Nerd out w me, here’s a little about each of them...
✨ Leelanau Peninsula - NW side of the Lower Peninsula. This area has its own little microclimate going on as a result of the steep hills (wind rolls off them), and while the peninsula is surrounded by water, there is also a thin 13 mile lake that runs right through the middle. 💦💦
✨Old Mission Peninsula - NW side of the lower peninsula. A little bit easier to navigate though, and stop at winery after winery because there are 10, all within 5 miles of one another! The surrounding waters on Old Mission and Leelanau help prevent frost on the cold grapes in the winter months. The main soil composition on Old Mission is sandy loam!! 🚜
✨Tip of the Mitt - Northern tip of the Lower Peninsula. This area is new on the map and only established in August of ‘16! The straits area growers association has the intent of specializing in strong, cold weather varietals like Frontenac and Marquette. 💪🏽
✨Lake Michigan Shore - SW area of the Lower Peninsula. Thee OG! It’s the oldest modern commercial grape growing region in the state dating back to the 1860’s! This area has a warmer growing season (2 weeks longer) than those more north, and glacial moraine soils! 🧊
✨Fennville - SW area of the Lower Peninsula. This AVA actually extends from the Lake Michigan shoreline to 45 miles inland to the Black River. Huge. Cabernet Franc thrives here and the soil composition is slightly different from the closest AVA. Fennville’s soil composition is primarily glacial sand soil! ⏳
Always down for Michigan grown! 🙌🏽
